
Rick Zier – 970.482.2255

Land Use & Zoning

Earlier in his career, Mr. Zier was the primary attorney for zoning and subdivisions for Larimer County for over a decade. He has continued to have a strong interest in land use matters in the years since. He represents all manner of applicants before public bodies seeking zoning approvals for their lands and businesses. He advises about legal and illegal uses of land, and his experience is valuable in steering clients toward the best locations and particular properties with which to achieve their aims.

Construction & Development

Many builders and developers have received quality services over the years from this office in carrying their projects to successful and profitable conclusion. For builders, Mr. Zier drafts engineering design contracts, general contractor and subcontractor agreements, change orders, and any other documents needed before, during, and after construction of structures. For developers, Mr. Zier meets with planning and engineering consultants to advise as to land use and zoning matters, prepares or reviews all important documents needed to secure development land, works with reviewing agencies and represents the developers in public hearings, negotiates development agreements and collateral requirements, and drafts covenants, conditions and restrictions.

In many of the above matters, private protective covenants are relevant and important. Mr. Zier has broad experience reviewing, drafting, and amending covenants. He represents clients who are accused of violating covenants dealing with architectural control, nuisances, payment of dues and assessments, etc. In addition, he has established homeowner associations and acts as general counsel to many such bodies on an ongoing basis.