Rick Zier – 970.482.2255
Local Government
This office takes a special interest in local government law. Mr. Zier has extensive experience advising units of local government on a contract basis. Routine matters involving ongoing counsel as well as special projects involving temporary tasks or litigation cases are accepted. Counties, cities, towns, and school districts have engaged Mr. Zier in a full range of legal capacities: as special advisor, general counselor, trial lawyer, and mediator. He represents entire governmental entities or specific departments, and is available to attend all board and committee meetings whether during regular business hours or after hours.
Special Districts
Special districts have long provided vital services to the people of Colorado. They are the most American of creatures, for they are basic units of government created voluntarily by citizens who elect persons to represent them and agree to be subject to exactions and taxes in order to obtain valuable services that aren’t otherwise available to them. Special districts bring drinking water and sanitary sewer to rural residents, fire protection to large regions of Colorado’s forests, and streets, sidewalks, and parks to subdivision residents. This office understands how critically important such districts are to so many of our clients and friends.
Mr. Zier has formed new special districts and acted as general counsel to existing districts for over twenty years. He is familiar with all that is needed to fix the boundaries of a new special district, establish the board of directors, hold required elections, and obtain the approval of the District Court to create the unit of local government that is a political subdivision of the state of Colorado. He has advised special district boards concerning, or has prepared:
- Petitions for inclusion and exclusion of properties
- Ballot language for elections (initial formation, director positions, mill levies and TABOR tax/expenditure matters, etc.)
- Policies of equitable rate-setting
- Easements for infrastructure
- Agreements for repayment of developer investments
- Employee handbooks and employment agreements
In general, he has provided counsel and drafted all documents special districts need to build, maintain, and expand their infrastructure, to support themselves administratively, and to treat their customers fairly and properly.